Tal Tamir: Wool Spinning and Knitting

Date: 1938

Photographer John D. Whiting (d. 1951), who also worked as a tour guide, captured this photograph of an Assyrian refugee woman spinning wool yarn in Tal Tamir (Tell Tamer). He also mentions in the title of the photograph that the refugee women knitted various items from the yarn, such as socks. See also: Producer of Sheep Wool; Maker of Cord and Twine.

Citation: Whiting, J. D. & Matson, G. E., photographer. (1938) Diary in Photos, vol. IV, 1938. [Online Text] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2007675264/ (last consulted: 13 February 2017).

Tell Tamer: Wool Spinning and Knitting
Date: 1938

Photographer John D. Whiting captured this photograph of an Assyrian refugee woman spinning wool yarn. He also mentioned in the title of the photograph that the refugee women also knitted various items for wearing such as socks.
Citation: Whiting, J. D. & Matson, G. E., photographer. (1938) Diary in Photos, vol. IV, 1938.

Online Text: Retrieved from the Library of Congress