Date: c. 1990
The craft of the silversmith has declined to near extinction by c. 1900. The reasons for this can be attributed to complex layers of social, economic, and cultural changes, including the fact that silver has lost its importance … read more
Date: 1892-93
During his visit to the sūq of the old town of Damascus Albert Terhune (d. 1942) mentions the street of the silversmiths. He describes this as short and with a door that separated it from the main street. He also observes that the artisans did not make objects … read more
Deir ez-Zor
Date: c. 1930-1990
Silversmiths in Deir ez-Zor prior to the 1930s were primarily Jewish, but after their migration to Palestine, most who practice this craft were Muslim and some were Armenian Christians. Silversmith had declined to … read more