Hawran Plateau: Camel-Bag Makers (shemle)
Date: Early nineteenth century
These bags are produced by Bedouin Aenezes women. Camel bags are used to cover the camel’s udder to prevent the young ones from suckling. There are cords (metrek), which tie the bags. They use a simple loom (nutou) to weave the bags which are most often made of camel hair. Goat hair or a blend of both hairs may be used. Also mentioned are: wool manufacturers, provisions bags, bonnets (mèaraka), and tent-covers (rowáks).
Citation: Burckhardt, John Lewis, Notes on the Bedouins and Wahábys, collected during his Travels in the East, by the late John Lewis Burckhardt (London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, 1831. Reprinted, New York and London: Johnson Reprint Company, 1967), pp.67-69.