Damascus: Embroiderers
Arabic: Muṭarrizīn
Date: Twelfth to sixteenth centuries
Embroiderers worked in a market near the Bāb Jayrūn. They mostly worked with damask embroidery, but may have also have made brocade (ṭirāz zarkash). Information is drawn from the work of Ibn ʿAsakir (d. 1176), al-Nuʿaymi (d. 1521), al-Hadi (d. 1503), and al-Almawi (d. 1573). See also: Embroiderers with silver wire.
Citation: Elisséeff, Nikita. “Corporations de Damas sous Nūr al-Dīn: Matériaux pour une topographie économique de Damas au XIIe siècle”, Arabica 3.1 (1956): p. 69.