Cultivators and Processors of Madder-Root


Date: c. 1840

Madder-root, or Rubia Tinctorum, is a vegetable red dye suitable for colouring leather, wool, cotton, and silk. Sir John Bowring (d. 1872) noted that this crop was cultivated in the Aleppo district. The plant is common … read more


Date: c. 1840

Madder-root, or Rubia Tinctorum, is a vegetable red dye suitable for colouring leather, wool, cotton, and silk. Sir John Bowring (d. 1872) notes that this crop was extensively produced in Damascus. The plant is … read more


Date: c. 1840

Madder-root, or Rubia Tinctorum, is a vegetable red dye suitable for colouring leather, wool, cotton, and silk. Sir John Bowring (d. 1872) noted that Nebk (Nabk) was the greatest producer of madder-root. The plant is … read more